Wednesday 27 June 2007

Sniðugur strákur

Óðinn var kominn upp í rúm í gær og ég var í næsta herbergi að brjóta saman þvott og að dást að því hversu duglegur hann væri að fara sjálfur að sofa, bara tveggja ára. Þegar ég er síðan búin að brjóta saman þvottinn og sný mér við, sá ég að hurðin inn í herbergið hans var opin - þá hafði minn maður læðst fram í stofu og var að horfa á sjónvarpið. Það vantaði bara kók og snakk og minn hefði verið alsæll!

Annars er allt gott að frétta. Ég er búin að skila af mér fyrsta árs skýrslunni og fer í munnlegt próf í næstu viku. Svo fer að koma að stórafmæli hjá sumum ... 2. ára!

Sunday 17 June 2007

Myndir úr fríinu

Beðið á flugvellinum

Óðinn í golfi með afa sínum

Rosa gaman í sundlauginni

Friday 15 June 2007


That´s it, holiday "ninished", as Odinn says. We´re flying to England tomorrow evening. It´s been a great trip, Odinn loves the pool and beach - is still adamant they are puddles. Think I´ll have to start taking him to the swimming pool at weekends now. He´s not so hot on eating out, sitting still is not really something he´s good at, but he was getting better at it. He´s taught my parents and niece lots of English, and we´re all speaking Ice-lish now - a blend of English and Icelandic, just like he does. He´s walked so much in the past two weeks that his pot-belly has disappeared, and I´m now worrying he´s getting too thin! Anyways, that´s it in English for now, back to Icelandic when I get home. Bye for now.

Thursday 14 June 2007

Cake ban!!!

Odinn is a lot better behaved today. My parents have been banned from giving him anything he asks for, especially cakes...! He wasn´t happy this morning, but has accepted it.
Going down to the beach to try to catch some fish.

Wednesday 13 June 2007

oh no!

Have just had the most embarrassing experience. Odinn was really badly behaved at a restaurant and I´m completely mortified. Fortunately I wont see any of these people again in a few days time!
Otherwise a good day. We went down to the beach this morning and tried catching some fish to look at, but being the most rubbish biologist around I couldn´t catch any, so Odinn just went and helped the life guard wash his boat instead. After lunch we went for a walk and got a ride on a "train" (train like car with lots of carriages). That went down really well and he was talking about it for hours afterwards.
Had decided all those gimmicks were not for me, but have spent more money on all sorts of cars, bikes, planes and helicopters, than on anything else this trip... whatever makes him happy basically...

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Still warm here!

Another busy day. Been to the zoo/farm and Odinn loved the animals. Walked up to more monuments, he was the only one of us that ran and jumped everywhere. The rest of us were sweating and panting ... he´s also getting very brown, much darker than me. Session up, more later...

Sunday 10 June 2007

Even warmer...

Yesterday we went to see the islands prehistoric monuments... well a few of them. Odinn climbed into an excavated mass grave (dating from about 1000 bc) and walked all around a huge quarry.
We went to the only golf course on the island today. It was great. Mum and I had never been, so we only went to the driving range and learned to use the clubs. I managed to hit a ball over 60 metres and can see now why it becomes addictive. Odinn thought it was great fun and after watching dad, swung the clubs round in circles and managed to hit me on the shin - it really hurt! Dad helped him hit the ball a few times and he thought it was great fun. We were there over two hours and he shot, threw and kicked the balls and then practised his putting as well.
Odinn also likes chinese food. We´ve been twice, as there is a lovely chinese just around the corner, with fantastic food and service, and he slurps it all up, especially the noodles.

Friday 8 June 2007

Hot hot hot

It´s completely baking here now. Odinn doesn´t seem too bothered by it, but the rest of us are really feeling it. He´s getting very good at going out to eat and always starts by ordering his own apple juice before anyone else can get a word in. He then wants ice cream to finish!
I took him to a place called Aquapark today, with water slides and bouncy castles. He was quite interested in the slides, until I was halfway down a little one, when he decided he didn´t want to do it anymore. Not my finest hour trying to push myself and him down a practically horizontal slide, with him screaming, trying to climb over me and get back out the wrong way ... he still wanted another go, and the same thing happened, so I gave up on that idea. We then went to the bouncy castles, and the only thing he found fun there was the trampoline! It was hilarious watching him jump on this huge trampoline and he loved it. After that mum and dad took him away, so Gudrun Sunna and I could go on the proper slides. We had a great time, so much so that I forgot to put suncream on and am a little more than a little red! It´s allright though, we´re hiring a car tomorrow and going exploring, so we´ll not be in the sun much.

Wednesday 6 June 2007

no holiday pics

Sorry, can´t upload pictures on these computers :( Had some great shots ... was snapping away on the beach today, only realising afterwards that in most of the shots of Odinn, there was a topless woman as well!
Anyways, great trip, we´re all having fun. Odinn went through a brief spell of "terrible two´s" yesterday, but is back being himself today. He loves the sea, he calls all water "puddels" and nothing I say will make any difference. Mum and dad are taking him for walks in the mornings, so I can have time to myself. He´s enjoying all the attention and has finally realised waht shops are for! Now he´s demanding toys in every shop we enter...
Right, there is a queue for the computers, so will leave it there for now.

Tuesday 5 June 2007

Sumar og sol

Hallo fra Menorca

Vid komum a laugardaginn og thad er bid a vera mjog fint. Hotelid er alveg agaett, sundlaugin og allt umhverfid er bara edalgott. Thad er lika agaett ad thad er allt fullt af fjolskyldufolki, svo laetin i Odni koma engum a ovart. Hann er mjog anaegdur med thetta, finnst laugin frabaer thegar hann er kominn yfir hvad hun er kold. Vid Gudrun Sunna forum i vatnaleikfimi i gaer, mjog duglegar. Vid kiktum i bae sem heitir Ciutadella i dag, voda saetur litill baer. Annars er thatta bara tom slokun, bara eins og thad a ad vera :0)

Friday 1 June 2007

Fer í fríið!

Mamma, pabbi og Guðrún Sunna komu í dag og svo fljúgum við öll í fríið á morgun. Ég fékk þennan líka fína harðfisk, hangikjöt, pítusósu og nammi sent frá ömmu. Þetta bíður allt eftir mér þegar við komum tilbaka. Namm.
Óðinn er algjör afastrákur og var með þvílíka sýndarmennsku hérna í kvöld, hoppaði og skoppaði um allt.
Þarf að klára að pakka - reyni að skrifa eitthvað við tækifæri í fríinu, en ef ekki þá verð ég hér að tveim vikum liðnum.